Pet peeves: things that annoy you. A pet peeve is usually a minor annoyance that may not bother others.
I’m pretty sure you have a few pet peeves – loud gum chewing, people who interrupt you without excusing themselves, etc. Well me too!
Here is a list of my pet peeves. I’m sure I do something that annoys others but none of these listed apply to me:
- Cell phone drivers.
- When people use the word "literally" inappropriately
- People who talk with food in their mouth. GROSS
- Grabbing snacks/ hors d'oeuvres from an open platter with your hands without using a napkin.
- Noisy eaters.
- Not washing hands after using the restroom.
- Comments such as “at the end of the day”.
- Intentional misspellings:” lite” ” kwik” ” ‘R ” for are.
- People who go the wrong way in a parking lot.
- Throwing trash in the recycle bin.
- The use of “yes, but…”.
- Clipping your nails in class or at work.
- Bosses who think your job is your life.
- Mispronunciation of words.
- Being put on the speakerphone without warning.
- Emails with no subject.
- People who say “I can't”, without even trying.
- PeOpLe WhO tYpE LiKe ThIs.
- Lastly-People who make up words.
You may be a victim of one or more. If you have a pet peeve that I didn’t list, feel free to comment and list your own!
Jenny Baguidy |
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