Tuesday, November 22, 2011

New Experiences through Volunteerism!

For those students who are concerned about their resumes showing a lack of experience, recent experience- or no experience at all...why not try a volunteer gig through the holiday season to make others benefit and your resume shine?  On any given day during this holiday season, organizations that feed the hungry, provide gifts to needy children, deliver meals to the homebound or help the elderly with special holiday-related tasks  advertise in local papers and would be thrilled  to have a few hours of your time.

Using volunteermatch.com, a student can find an organization or cause that matches his/her interests.  While providing a much-needed service to others,  the student can increase his/her marketability with some current experience added to the one document most scrutinized by recruiters- the resume.
Feel free to email the career services office for some ideas for volunteer opportunities!

Voluntarily brought to you by
Amy Soricelli


  1. In addition to being a great way to gain skills and experience, volunteering for a cause that you believe in is also a great way to network.

    Check out my post about volunteering and networking:


  2. Kyrese Mason-NWK CampusDecember 5, 2011 at 10:03 AM

    I think volunteering is such a good way to start if you never had a job before. I used to volunteer for 3 years and I loved the people who i was working with. people think that volunteering is not a job. it is a job becasuse you are working but not getting compensation for it.
